T Pick
2 min readFeb 18, 2021


We have all heard about the saying — survival of the fittest right? Now apply that to our society in 2021. Its a meltdown. Pandemic has taken over our lives and were forced to corner ourselves to our rooms and literally sit on it till the food comes knocking on our doors.

So think about it. Anything and everything can be brought to our doorstep just by a few clicks on a screen. And I mean anyth\ing!.

So this is where the fore mentioned saying comes into play.

The fittest survive this modern warfare where all marketers and business owners struggle to gain your attention on a screen

This is all virtual.

This is the age of transitioning to that dimly lit screen in our dark bedroom corners.

So how do you survive this extinction, where mass cooperate giants have already taken a massive lead in the virtual and online world?

Well we don’t know yet.

But what we do know is that they did something right! They did something so perfect that their companies are multibillion dollar companies todays!

Figured it out yet?

They foresaw that the world was going digital. And now they’ve handed that idea to us on a platter.

Its our turn now! Lets follow in the footsteps of these giants like an infant turning into an adult, and learn from their mistakes and experiences and adapt to this new found order of a world in our own unique way.

Lets go digital! And let us help you get there!

